The hate you give little infants
The hate you give little infants

When parents have not cleared the HATE or stuff that built up around them through birth and infancy, it is passed down psychically and through the beliefs and control dramas used in an ever recurring cycle until it is acknowledge and healed. Parental Disapproval, negative criticisms, as well as absence of approval and guidance can also be related to the HATE which tupac is referring to in his thug life acronym. What happens at our birth is retained in our cellular memory and contained in our birth script and beliefs about life. Many forceful interferences with the birth initiate complications, such as a lack of respect for timing, inducing birth with drugs, unnecessary episiotomies and c sections, disregarding the ease, calmness, and tranquility that the mother requires to flow from her natural intuition.Ĭutting the umbilical cord before the baby breathes for a while, forcing the first breath, poisonous shots, cold room, bright lights, insensitive doctors, separation from mother/parents, chemical drops in the eyes, and parents pledging children as collateral for the federal reserve by signing of fraudulent birth certificate contracts can surely be considered a traumatic and even hateful experience. Many times in hospitals it is treated as some routine act or even a disease or pathology. THUGLIFE, the hate u gave little infants fucks everybody.Ī new fresh being coming to this world is a sacred moment, that would benefit from a loving surrounding, security, empathy, and respect. Tupac acknowledged the problem with his meaning of But withoutĪcknowledging there is a problem one can not address it. Rebirthing Breathwork repairs the physical, emotional, and mental damage that has been caused at birth and through infancy, as well as many other traumas and pains throughout life. This is referring to what is known as Birth Trauma, Parental & school disapproval, religious conditioning, Gratitude is the Greatest Attitude and is a magic key to manifesting goals and to healing. Shakur means grateful/thankful/gratitude. It is the Incan correspondence of the feathered serpent Kulkulkan or Quetzacoatl.

the hate you give little infants

The word Amaru can mean serpent of light as well. Peru and surrounding local geographies are currently housing the the earths Kundalini according to Drunvalo Melchizedec in his Serpent of Light book. Delving further into this name we find that the Amarus of Peru were the dragon/serpent wise men and priest kings that had administered the mystery schools and dragon empires which had been founded in lemuria and Atlantis. Tupac Amaru is actually the name of an Incan revolutionary hero who led a rebellion to protect his people.

the hate you give little infants

When we investigate the name and thuglife philosophy of rapper Tupac Amaru Shakur we may discover some provocative evidence that reveals he was part of a mission nothing less than divine.

The hate you give little infants